California Consumer Privacy Act Supplement to Privacy Policy

This Supplement ("Supplement") describes our collection and use of Personal Information (as defined in the “Notice at Collection” below) that is subject to the California Consumer Privacy Act (the "CCPA"). This Supplement also describes the rights of Consumers under the CCPA. This Supplement does not apply to information that is exempt from the CCPA. This Supplement controls if there is a conflict with our privacy policy.

Our Personal Information practices

We collected each of the categories of Personal Information listed in the "Notice at Collection" below during the twelve months preceding the date of this notice (the "past year").

We collect Personal Information for the Purposes listed in the Notice at Collection.

The categories of our sources for Personal Information about Consumers include:

We disclose each of the categories of Personal Information listed in the Notice at Collection. During the past year, we disclosed the following Personal Information for business purposes: Identifiers, CCR Categories, Protected Classifications, Commercial Information, Internet or Other Electronic Network Activity Information; Geolocation Data; Sensory Data; Professional or Employment-Related Information; Education Information; Inferences; Sensitive Identifiers; Sensitive Account Information; Sensitive Demographics, Sensitive Communications; Sensitive Health Information; and Sensitive Sexual Information. All of this information may be disclosed within our family of companies.

We make these disclosures for the Purposes listed in the Notice at Collection.

During the past year, we sold or shared Identifiers, Internet or Other Electronic Network Activity Information, Professional or Employment-Related Information, and Commercial Information to or with advertising networks, lead sources and aggregators, or other third-party sites, web browsers or search engines; data analytics providers; and data brokers for the following purposes:

During the past year, we otherwise disclosed the following Personal Information to third parties:

We do not use or disclose the "Sensitive Personal Information" described in the "Notice at Collection" below for purposes other than those specified by the CCPA and its regulations.

To our knowledge, we do not sell Personal Information about Consumers under sixteen years old or share it with others for Cross-Context Behavioral Advertising.

Your rights to delete, discover and correct

To the extent provided by law, you are entitled to receive a "Notice at Collection," which we have attached to this Supplement.

To the extent provided by law, you may request that we:

You may exercise the rights described above by using the form at or by calling us toll-free at 1-855-955-0742.

Your CCPA opt-out rights

You may opt-out of our sharing Personal Information about you for Cross-Context Behavioral Advertising purposes, as well as from any sales by us of that information. You may exercise this right at

We will honor any Global Privacy Control ("GPC") signals that indicate your preference to opt-out of sales or sharing of your Personal Information. You may enable this on many browsers' settings or by downloading a GPC extension for applicable browsers. GPC opt-outs are applied at the browser level. If you clear the cookies cache on your browser, websites such as ours will not be able to recognize your prior GPC opt-out, but you may opt-out again by re-enabling or downloading the GPC setting extension or by notifying us at


We will not discriminate against you for exercising your rights under the CCPA. However, we may charge a different price for goods or services if the difference is reasonably related to the value of your Personal Information.

Verifying requests

If you request to delete, correct, or discover Personal Information, we will attempt to verify your identity by trying to match identifying information provided by you to Personal Information about you that we have. If we do not have enough information to match, we may try to contact you to verify your identity. Examples of information you may be asked to provide include your name, address history, and information about your interactions with us. If you want us to disclose specific pieces of Personal Information that we collected about you or delete Personal Information that we collected from you, you may also be asked to provide a copy of the front and back of your driver's license or other government-issued identification card. We will notify you if we cannot timely verify that you are the consumer about whom we have collected Personal Information.

How an agent can make requests on your behalf

You may designate an agent to make requests on your behalf. To make such a request, your agent may use or call us toll-free at 1-855-955-0742. The agent must provide us with a power of attorney from you or your signed permission authorizing the agent to make the request for you. If the agent requests disclosure of specific pieces of personal information or deletion of personal information, the agent may also be asked to send us a copy of the front and back of your driver's license or other government-issued identification card. If the agent does not provide us with a power of attorney, we may contact you to directly verify with you your identity and that you gave the agent permission to submit the request.

Questions and concerns

If you want to access this notice in a different format because of disability, or if you have any other CCPA questions or concerns, you may contact us at or call us at 1-855-955-0742.


The foregoing Supplement was last updated as of December 14, 2023.

Metrics regarding 2022 CCPA requests from Californians

We received 35 requests to know. We complied with 28 of those requests in whole or part. We denied 7 of those requests. The mean number of days for processing was 6.

We received 41 requests to delete. We complied with 26 of those requests in whole or part. We denied 15 of those requests. The mean number of days for processing was 12.

We received 28 opt-out requests. We complied with 24 of those requests in whole or part. We denied 4 of those requests. The mean number of days for processing was 11.

Requests were denied due to unverifiable consumer identity or valid CCPA exemption.

For ensuing-year updates to these numbers, see the California privacy policy at

California Notice at Collection

This Notice applies only to California residents ("Consumers") concerning Personal Information that is subject to the California Consumer Privacy Act ("CCPA"). This Notice does not apply to information that is exempt from the CCPA.

"Personal Information" is information that identifies, relates to, describes, is capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular Consumer or household in California. It includes the following categories:

Personal Information also includes the following categories of "Sensitive Personal Information":

We may collect and use the preceding Personal Information (including Sensitive Personal Information) about you and your household for the following purposes (the "Purposes"):

The minimum length of time for which we will retain the Personal Information we collect varies based on applicable statutes of limitations and whether we think we might need the information for court or other official proceedings.

We may sell, or share for Cross-Context Behavioral Advertising Purposes, Identifiers, Internet or Other Electronic Network Activity Information, Professional or Employment-Related Information, and Commercial Information. "Cross-Context Behavioral Advertising" means targeting advertising to a Consumer based on the Consumer's Personal Information obtained from that person's activity across businesses, distinctly-branded websites, applications, or services, other than the business, distinctly-branded website, application, or service with which the person intentionally interacts. You can opt-out of such sharing at

We may allow third parties to collect personal information from our websites.

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This Notice is incorporated into our Privacy Policy.

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